Claiming for Extras

Claiming for Extras

Your Cover





* Based on an Australian Government Rebate of %, % LHC loading, $ excess for a in .

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How to claim

Extras claims should be fast and hassle-free – here are a few ways to get the job done (for most services).

For info on services with additional requirements, eligibility criteria or guidelines (e.g. Healthy Lifestyle programs, Aids & Appliances, Orthodontia and Pharmaceuticals), receipts, limits and more, please see Claiming essentials below.

1. On the spot (HICAPS)

If your provider has a HICAPS machine, they can swipe your membership card and your claim will be processed straightaway. All you do is pay any remaining balance.

2. Online

Head to Online Member Services and hit the Submit claim button. Upload up to four photos or PDFs of your receipts – that’s four claims in one go!

3. Member app

Log in to the Nurses & Midwives Health member app, take a (good quality) photo of your official receipt and submit your claim. And hey presto, it’s done!


4. Claim form

Complete a claim form, attach your receipt and submit it:

Claiming essentials

​Recognised providers

You can only claim for services from recognised Australian providers.

Find a provider

Receipts 101

Receipts come in many shapes and sizes. Know the dos and don’ts for successful claiming.

See more


Additional requirements

Healthy Lifestyle and Artificial Aids & Appliances claims may require additional documentation.

See Healthy Lifestyle | See Aids & Appliances


Common questions

Two services we’re often asked about are Pharmaceuticals (medication) and Orthodontia. We have FAQs for both.

See Medication | See Orthodontia


Benefits & limits

What can you claim for via Extras cover? How much, and how often, can you claim?

See more


When you can’t claim

Certain situations can prevent us from paying for an Extras service. Find out when this may be.

See more


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